

    for you.

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    Rare Disease

    Support Program

    Recognizing the unique challenges that come with rare diseases, we are committed to facilitating access to highly specialized physicians who can offer the most targeted and effective treatments. Our pro bono program is designed to not only connect you with top-tier medical expertise but also to alleviate some of the financial strain that often accompanies specialized care.

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    Elegance and

    health are twins.

    To effect meaningful change, one must engage the attention and commitment of those with the means to make a difference. It is with this understanding that President Maria Lazar directs the Luzia Healthcare Society, curating it as an exclusive enclave where discerning individuals find both solace and purpose. In doing so, she not only lends her own remarkable flair and elegance but also venerates the lifetime achievements of her husband.

  • Mme. PRESIDENT and her husband.

    ”My husband was the founder of the first competence center for very rare neuroendocrinological diseases. My duty is to help poor people to get the help they need in this fields. This is my gift to mankind.”

    - Mme. Maria Lazar

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    Mme. President - The Rose of Athens


    “I am deeply grateful to have taken over the Luzia Healthcare Society (formerly Luzia Healthcare u.n.a.) as a private charity on September 1, 2022. Much good had already been done, for me it is an honour to lead the project into the future exclusively with my own funds. My husband, of whom I am very proud, will certainly be of help as my advisor and ambassador.” - Mme. Lazar


    “It's wonderful to know that you ended up marrying the right person in your second marriage. Now that I'm downsizing professionally, my wonderful wife is the sun of my life. Nothing in my life has been more meaningful to me than helping my wife do the good she does now. Therefore I decided to spend most of my time as her assistant. - Dr. Marius Lazar

  • “I come, I see and I help whenever possible.”

    “I feel in my heart who really needs our support.”

    - Mme. President Maria Lazar

  • Application for patients with rare diseases

    After an initial preliminary review of your case, we will provide you with all the necessary application documents. Please do not send more than a summery of your case and max. 4 pages of attachments. In case you might fit in Luzia's help program for patients with rare diseases we will contact you within a couple of days. If you do not hear back from us your application was unfortunately declined. In both cases you can rest assured that we comply with all relevant data protection laws and will delete all your data as soon as the case is closed, one way or the other.


    You can also send us a general inquiry through the main contact form where our phone number is stated as well.

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  • International

    Never stop, never give up.


    We care.


    Σχετικά με εμάς.

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    Optimism is key.

    “People call my most wonderful wife The Sun of the South, as she is bringing love and warmth to those who need it.


    - Dr. Marius Lazar, husband of Mme. President Maria Lazar

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    Luzia is flying.

    Mme. Maria Lazar assumed leadership of Luzia n.e.V. in the fall of 2022, with the aim of assisting those in need and deserving of support. Her husband, the founder and proprietor of the Lazar Medical Consortium Group, along with several private individuals committed to aiding those with rare diseases, supports her endeavors.

  • We try to help those who are challenged

    Support for people with disabilities due to rare diseases.

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    Warning cards with call option

    Many disabilities are not apparent to those affected at first glance. For example, in the case of dementia and seizure disorders. We provide these people with warning cards at the request of the attending physicians and offer a phone service for medical providers - just in case they are not familiar with the diagnosis stated on the warning cards.


    An idea and project of Mme. Maria Lazar



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    Flowers for you.

    Health for you.

    But we have more to give than beauty. Since 2023 Mrs. Lazar has been paying out of her private account for creating and maintaining of a non-profit platform where EU citizens can find afordable private doctors instead of begging for appointments with doctors who would be of help now, not in 7 months.

  • Contact Luzia Healthcare Society

    We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

    ABIN Luzia n.e.V., Block Services, Stuttgarter Straße 106, 70736 Fellbach
    Mon, Tue, Fri, 7am-9:30am
    Mrs. Lazar or a team member will call back